Products are getting prepared in 2-5 days depending on stock level or warehouse intensity. We dispatch order 3 days on the average. Orders shipped by appropriate packaging and conditions.
Some shipments are subject to customs tax. This is entirely at the discretion of the practice and customs officer in your country. If your shipment is sent by express cargo services such as UPS, DHL, customs clearance is carried out by these companies under the heading of "import fee" for a certain commission. Therefore, the fees they request are not related to the transportation service. Transportation service payments are made by our company.
We can not guarantee for customs clearance fees. If this happens, it is the buyer's responsibility to pay.
Your card information never stored. Service prodiver we work with has strong fraud prevention system. You can safely shop from KAANSHOME online store.
In general for online shopping, we recommend you to use virtual credit card (that you can arrange its limit depending on your parent card) if your bank provides.
If you cancel your order before we dispatch we all refund you. If the order is dispatched, the cost of the sending and return shipping will be deducted from your refund. International orders carry no warranty and cannot be returned for refund or replacement due to customs issues. .